Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I have recently realized that I’m very much behind on my updates. Right now I’m in a 5th country already and my leather-bound journal contains detailed information up until the end of Belize. Guatemala and El Salvador adventures are missing not to mention that my internet blog has really “old” info. So, I’ve decided to skip a lot of details, at least for now, and give a “quick” update.
But lets start where I left off the last time. Belize City. The story about Dwight (church pianist) and one of the most paranoid nights I’ve had so far (or maybe in my entire life) will be hopefully told later.

From Belize City I left to Caye Calker. Spent several days there, nothing special, met couple girls. One of witch I later met in Antigua, and other two I met later, on beautiful Mayan site called Xunantunich. I met them when I was crawling through the rain forest surrounding the site, that way I avoided the entrance fee, but really jeopardized my health. Before that I visited a Belize Zoo, where a black jeopardy almost bitten off my fingers when I tried to put my camera in its mouth, pretty stupid huh? Then I ended up in San Ignacio, a really nice town on the border with Guatemala. This place has a particular significance to me, because this was the place where I was hunt and ate iguanas and their eggs; it was served with coconut rice, plantains, potatos and other vegetables I don’t know names for. That was the best dish I’ve had so far on my trip, it was more than delicious, probably not only because it was so good but also the preparation (you can watch the video of them being skinned, if you did not see it yet). Also, I kept 2 skins (we got 5 iguanas), hope to make a wallet one day.

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